Reading Contest

Summer Reading Program

MCS staunchly supports literacy even when schools are closed for summer break. We want to ensure that students don’t get out of the habit of reading during the summer. The summer can be a great opportunity for reading in a relaxed setting. Our summer reading program is fun and easy to follow. Children all over the globe can join and even win beautiful prizes. The best part of the program is that children can choose the titles they want to read and can read them at their own pace.


The Program Is Free!

It’s our way of helping to support literacy over the summer months.

To join the program, download the Summer Reading by clicking here and read the instructions on it.

Submit by October 1st via mail

Menucha Kids

1235 38th St

Brooklyn, NY 11218

of 2021:

Dina Friedman | Jacob Goldstein | Nachman Urbach | Chavi Friedman | Miri Wolpin | Faigy Hamael | Chavi Gluckstadt